When Clouds Kissed Tre Cime — South Tyrol

When Clouds Kissed Tre Cime — South Tyrol
Impressionen der Drei-Zinnen-Umrundung an einem sehr bewölkten Tag, der in einem heftigen Gewitter endete. Dennoch: die Wanderung begleitet ein grandioses Bergpanorama rund um die Drei Zinnen. Das ganz besondere Naturerlebnis hat man aber vermutlich nur früh morgens oder spät abends, wenn die Masse der Wanderer weg ist.
Impressions from a walk around the Tre Cime on an unfortunately cloudy day in July, which ended in a heavely thunderstorm. Nevertheless, the hike is accompanied by a magnificent mountain panorama around the Tre Cime. But the very special nature experience is probably only to be had early in the morning or late in the evening, when the mass of hikers is gone. So you have the possibility to enjoy the beauty of the Tre Cime and the surroundings in silence and almost alone. I will do this next time.
Dolomites, South Tyrol 2019